Tuesday 26 November 2013

Assembly writing

Monday 25th November
On Friday when I woke up I was really exited today is our assembly when I got to school it was a sunny day anyway We practiced and practiced until we practiced all day then the time came. It was room 13 and 14s assembly  me and some overs sing a song. At the start we had some proplims. We had some relly good writing some one omoset cried from it.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Maths patterns

What wound come next it is one of the bottom ones.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Basic facts

Walt:instantly recognize our basic facts
I think I should get better at remembering maths problems and check before I say I'm done

Monday 14 October 2013

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Walt: be a scientist
Sc: ask question, experiment or test, observe what happens, make conclusions, share my finding,

The garden

Wednesday 18th September

Task: write a story to tell someone about our garden.
WALT: describe
what reminds us off
what it looks like, feels like, tastes like, smells like, sounds like 
show not tell

On Friday we walked into a green and yellow pails I just about fainted. The honey suckles yum yum the 
honey suckles were better than ice
 cream.then Lachlan came along and  said   Come come over to this black patch it is amazing. When I got there
It was smoky

Monday 9 September 2013


By Lisa rangiao
WALT:ask and answer questions about what we read.
Want lesson can we learn from this story?

Take a risk that is responsibility

Thursday 29 August 2013

Venn Diagram

WALT:  compare and contrast.
Task: to Compare our similarities and differences with our buddy.

Thursday 1 August 2013

We made a video about kowtahtanga  here it is 

Tuesday 2 July 2013


It all started when I woke up in the moning when. I felt funny as I were a bunny .To day is production.I was so excited.We went on a bus to the regent when we got there. It was like a maze.It torch the sky. When we sat done. we whoched heeps of dances then it was finali it was our torn we did fantastic.

Symmetry art

We have been learning about symmetry art

Sunday 16 June 2013

term two value

I think I have gotten better at playing with over because I play with hips of people